In genre-bending fiction, Keith Cadieux’s collection of dark short stories set against the backdrop of terrifying events and using a narrative “frame/scenario”, this collection pushes various boundaries within the literary form and challenges artistic norms. These propulsive, linked stories by one of Manitoba’s most exciting emerging short story writers are gripping and taut, elevating short stories and genre fiction together.
“Strikingly innovative.”
– Prairie Books Now
“These stories hook their teeth into you and burrow under your skin. Cadieux is a virtuoso of the creepy, the murky, the subterranean.”
– Suzette Mayr, Giller Prize winning author of ‘The Sleeping Car Porter’
“Always smart, occasionally heartbreaking, and just the right amount of over-the-top—it’s everything I love about horror.”
– Nick Cutter, author of ‘The Queen’
“Places empathy at the centre of horror— where others look away, Cadieux’s characters peel back the curtain and take a closer look. This collection is a perfect read.”
– Amy Leblanc, author of ‘Homebodies’
“A sustained work of horror that is both conversational and discomfiting. A unique and exciting collection.”
– Naben Ruthnum, author of ‘The Grimmer’
“Cadieux’s masterfully written collection compels the reader to relish in the same obsession as its frame’s author—to both seek out and interrogate what horrifies us.”
– Joanna Graham
Janet Trull
These stories represent the spectrum of joy, loss, and the author’s enduring love for those who can find a balance between them.
Alana Brooker, Anders Homenick, Lucy Hemphill, M. C. Joudrey, Michael Joyal, Scott A. Ford, Van Kunder
Tales that lure and unravel as only dreams and nightmares can.